
Where is my missing wallet?

A Horary Astrology of locating missing objects.

It was on July 27, 2023 in the morning, that I noticed my wallet was missing from my bag. Since I often sat at my desk in my room, I tried checking there. But the wallet was nowhere to be found.

I erected a horary chart which positively showed that the wallet would be found.

The Asc sign of the horary chart is also the same sign in my natal Asc. Thus, I found the chart radical to be judged.

L1, Mercury 27°15′ Leo placed in the 12H
L2, Venus 28°17′ Leo placed in the 12H
The Moon 16°34′, as co-significator, is placed in the 3H

Testimonies of Recovery:
L2, Venus is Retrograding.
L1 & L2 are mutually applying.
The moon in the 3H & applying a square to L1

I am Mercury & the missing wallet is Venus, 2H ruler. Both planets were mutually applying. It also meant that wallet was just nearby and would be found immediately.

Venus, the missing wallet, was retrograding. Retrogradation shows return.The moon, as co-significator of the item, was applying to Mercury, my significator. I again looked at my desk, since Mercury also signified papers, books or documents. Again, the wallet was nowhere to be found.

As I reviewed the chart, I noticed that Mercury was also the ruler of 10H of work. So I might have left my wallet there.When I got to my workplace, the wallet was there on my desk.

Looking at directionality, Venus, was near the Asc showing eastern direction.

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